Q&A 12.31.15

…few questions: Example: (3) 6 Rounds 3x Quadzilla Complex @ 15/25# 2/3x Scotty Bobs @ 15/25# Stretch of Choice for 60 Seconds Answer – Do the complex, followed by the…

Q&A 12.12.19

…press as a strength exercise. Should the former be used as a complex exercise as part of a complex circuit, for example, 5x Push Press followed by 2x HSPU, as…

Q&A 4.23.20

…arms in addition to running. I’m not sure of the transfer from these to swimming, but they are better than nothing. As well, I’d recommend searching for a free diving…

Q&As 5/07/15

…Soldiers kick butt down-range. Answer Do these plans in order: (1) Fortitude: http://strongswiftdurable.com/shop/fortitude/ (2) Valor: http://strongswiftdurable.com/shop/valor/ (3) Ruck Based Selection Training Plan: http://strongswiftdurable.com/shop/ruck-based-selection-training-program/ Question I am in the process of…

Q&A 1.31.19

…preparation and an acclimatization period. See this recent story from Outside. https://www.outsideonline.com/2368141/there-are-no-shortcuts-feeling-good-altitude. I have seen some work on pressurized sleeping tents around your bed as having some positive effect, but…

Q&A 4.22.21

…and the other days are BJJ, runs, and Hotworxs. Questions: 1. Will this be a DVD or online? 2. I’m buying one bag, so I’m thinking 40lbs for all? Thank…

Arete 6.20.19

…Geopolitics, Hoover Institute US announces more military aid for Ukraine, Janes 360 Macron’s national service sparks criticism from French left, The Guardian Cutting Language Training Is the Latest Foolish Retreat…

Arete 3.4.23

…a Coyote, Eastmans [Q&A] Catching up with Laurent De Martin – The Swiss freerider is breaking ground on the new challenge of starting a ski company, Freeskier Rare Winter Ascent…

Ian McCammon Interview, Part 1

…would be interesting to look at those research questions. MTI: Could you expand on that first point. McCammon: This comes out of a variety of research topics. One example is…