Humility Plan – Testimonials

Endurance in Humility includes Weight Vest/IBA Runs


Here is what our customers said about the plan:

"I finished up Humility recently and I have to say it was a pretty spectacular program. Other than wearing the vest for the hand-release push ups and the pull ups as you recommended, the only change I made was that I started doing the long runs at the end of the week at a moderate pace instead of an easy one. It felt better.

I went from a 14:05 2-mile to a (hilly) 12:39. The final 10-mile run I averaged 7:29min/mi. The fall weather helped. I saw improvement across the board on my bodyweight exercises, to include increasing the 25lb pull ups from 13 to 15 reps by the end of the program. I now understand the hardening effect described in the overview, too. Reading through many of the MTI programs could be intimidating at first, now virtually everything seems very doable or like something I could adapt to.

While I still think Military On-Ramp was a good build up into it, I think Humility is the program to really get people rolling. I'd recommend it to anyone fit enough to make it through the first week."
"Wicked kudos on the Humility program. I just finished it (okay, I finished it over a month ago and I'm mostly through Big 24 now, but still), and I gotta say you couldn't have picked a better name for it.

Some background - I'm a 27 year old male, 6'0" 195 lbs, never been more than an average athlete, but with a decent amount of hands-on experience with fitness in and out of the gym. Prior to Humility I'd been doing a lot of traditional heavy lifting exercises in the gym, and I hadn't done any serious cardio since finishing a GORUCK Heavy in May 2015. I looked at the Humility plan and figured, "Hey, what's the worst it could be. Just body weight stuff and light dumbbells and maybe some running."

I'm an idiot. The program didn't make me any less of an idiot, but it did harden me up and grant me a little, er, humility. The running was a little rough at the start, but Tuesdays were my worst days b far. Usually I'd be totally burned up before I finished the quadzilla-Scotty Bob-pullups sets, thanks to the burpee sets that preceded them. The other days weren't much better - seven miles was the most I'd run all at once in a long, long time, for instance, and it only went up from there. But I'll be damned if I'm a quitter.

Overall, I ended up seeing substantial improvement on just about everything, with the exception of the pullups (max: 20 to max: 21 after 7 weeks, a whopping 5% increase), which I admittedly kind of slacked off on. Won't do that again, I promise. The biggest benefit was the hardening that came from punishing my body, and I mean really challenging it, outside the sterile air-conditioned increasingly soccer-mom-populated environment of the gym. Humility did to me what I haven't been able to do to myself for some time now, and for that I thank you fine people at MTI.

Big 24 is no joke, either, but I'm missing the daily ass-kicking that Humility gave me so I'm moving on to Fortitude after I'm done here in a week or so. Thanks again and Kudos on the good work."
"Just wanted to give you and your team kudos on Humility. After completing it the first time last summer, it sucked so bad I swore I would never do it again. Well after being at NTC for a month not doing any PT I decided I needed to get back in shape once I got back. After completing it a second time I can still say it really sucks. Yea it did bring my 2 mile time down to a 13:15 from a 14:17 in 4 weeks, but the real magic was how much my endurance improved. I can now keep a 7:00 to 7:30/min pace for 4+ miles with ease. My Commander even noticed how much I improved on our weekly Monday 5 mi runs. I won't say I enjoyed it, but damn did it work wonders. Just completed week 2 of Big 24 and can't wait to see where that takes me. Thanks again."

"I've been following  the Humility V2 program to T.
Currently, I'm working through week 4 of the program (the week in which you reassess your fitness), and I've never had such large improvements to my fitness in such a short period of time.
Thank you for the excellent, specific, and well designed program."
"Hey Rob, just thought I'd share an update. About 5 weeks into humility. Needless to say, this is the best training plan I have ever done this far. It's challenging, but I am seeing results. Can't wait to continue with the other ones. Thanks for all the R&D to help guys like me prepare for the future."
"I just finished Humility. I had previously been doing a mix of different workouts from your Ruck Based Selection Packet that I bought a couple yeas back. I'm finally starting to prep for SFAS and your new philosophy on prepping for it caught my eye, especially with all the research you put in to back up your change of programming. I decided to get Humility and see how the new programming method was. I loved it.

The Quadzilla and Gorilla complexes thrashed me, as did the Devil Dog Circuits. Now that I've finished the program my "combat chassis" feels better than ever. The 7 mile IBA run and 12 mile unloaded run were once far off goals and are now a reality. Here are all my assessment numbers for Weeks 1 and 7. The program took me about 9 weeks to complete due to field ops etc.

Burpees 66  81
EOs 60  72
Box Jumps 38  40 (Week 1 done with 16" box, Week 7 done with 20" box. My bad.)
Hand Release Pushups 31  36
Jump Lunges 24  30.5
Pullups 23  24
3 Mi Run 22:14  21:29  20:49 

Thanks for the great program. I really enjoyed it and made some great progress, especially on my lower body. Up next is Big 24 and I can't wait."
"I just assessed my 3 mile today in Humility, 4 minute improvement, very happy with the results. Your programming is awesome, and really been enjoying it. Thanks for the quality work!" Regards, - L
"Rob, I need to take a moment to say thank you. I recently completed Humility. It took 11 weeks to finish your 7 week plan. At the time I finished I had dropped three minutes from my three mile time, I chalked that up to the possibility of it being significantly warmer than my last four time trials (from the plan and PT tests). Today I was given a short notice APFT and dropped 1 full minute off my 2 miler (I'm now 45s from maxing) and took my sit-ups from 66 to 76 (maxed out). I found this progress incredible considering the program was just building general fitness and not sport specific training for the APFT. I'll be finishing big 24 soon and rolling into Fortitude; even with the change in run volume I hope I can continue to see progress on my run. Thanks for great training plans!"

 Learn more about Humility


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